Indian Riders Home Page
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Motocycle Club
Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last


Indian Riders Motocycle Club has come a long way since it's humble beginnings in 1992.  We now produce a professionally printed quarterly magazine, as we are not a club with the usual politics, this is normally packed with rally features and photographs from other members, along with for sale items and handy tips etc.  For more information on this or forcopy input please contact  the Magazine Editor

The website has grown over the years with members input, which is actively encouraged.  We also hold our annual, relaxed, informal rally at Kenley in Surrey and many other small meetings and events throughout the year.

We hope to have awakened your interest in the club, which needs your support as an Indian Motocycle enthusiast.  Whether you have a bike or not, we welcome members of all ages.

Membership is only £15 per annum for UK single membership, £20 for joint membership (1 magazine) and £25 for Overseas members.  If you would like to join you can print the membership form below and send or email to Payment can be by bank transfer or PayPal.

For Bank Transfer see the membership form for details

or PayPal membership renewal click the button below


Click HERE for Membership Form


Indian Motocycles - you can't wear them out                                  Indian Motocycles - built to last  
Disclaimer:  Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither the Indian Riders Motorcycle Club, it's officials or any individual shall in any way be liable for loss, injury or damage resulting directly or indirectly from reliance of such information.  The inclusion of adverts  does not mean  that the advertisers are in any way endorsed by Indian Riders Motorcycle Club or it's officials.  Any disputes or claims must be taken up with the advertiser.